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Q. How do I find a specific article at the Library?

From the Library homepage (

1. Click on Journal Titles

2. Enter the name of the newspaper, journal or magazine that the article appears in. Do NOT enter the title of the article.

3.  if you want a newspaper, then change the radio button to limit it to newspapers, the default is journals.

4. Check the results list to see whether the article date falls within one of the options available.

5. If no results appear, check that you entered the name of the publication correctly and spelled it correctly. If so, the library does not have immediate access to the article. .

6. You may request the article through Interlibrary loan from the library homepage by clicking on INTERLIBRARY LOAN in the upper left box. 

7. Once Jackson Library receives the article from the other library, you will receive an email with a link in it that will allow you to access the article, usually within 3 to 5  business days.

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