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Q. Are there computers in the library?
The Jackson Library has public computers available on the main level. Computers with the Windows operating system are on the main level in the center of the room. Macintosh computers are located on desks on the main level near the Info Desk.
Jackson Library Computer Use Policy
The mission of the Jackson Library is to provide information services and resources to meet the needs of the educational programs and mission of Indiana Wesleyan University.
- The information and instructional computer needs of the Indiana Wesleyan University faculty and students take precedence over the use of Jackson Library resources and computers by other individuals.
- Non-IWU students under 16 years of age desiring to use the Jackson Library must be accompanied, for the entire time they are in the Jackson Library, by a responsible adult over the age of 21 years.
- Use of the computers and network access available in the Jackson Library are under the specific standards outlined in the Indiana Wesleyan University Community Lifestyle Statement. Therefore, Jackson Library computers and network access should not be used to create, send, receive, or view material containing (except for legitimate academic research):
- Pornography
- Gambling
- Illegal Downloads of Content
- Hate Speech
- Anything else that advocates behaviors contrary to the lifestyle commitments of the mission of Indiana Wesleyan University
Failure to adhere to these principles or unauthorized use of equipment, systems or programs will result in immediate expulsion from the Jackson Library and loss of all Library privileges.
Indiana Wesleyan University monitors and filters all Internet activity and provides regular reports of Internet use to the Office of Vice President for Student Development.