Views: 87 FAQ Views
Views: 87 FAQ Views
Q. How do I download Microsoft Office?
Indiana Wesleyan University students may download the latest version of Microsoft Office. This is available for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
Note: If you have previous versions or a trial version of MS Office on your system, you must uninstall them and reboot before installing the free version to avoid potential conflicts.
- Begin by signing into the MyIWUPortal.
- In the top left corner of the portal click on the nine dot menu button, then click on Office 365 from that menu.
- Select the Install Office link, then select Office 365 apps.
- It is best to save the file, then install it, but you may chose to perform the SAVE or RUN action
- You should see the automated download and install process. It is best not to open any of the programs until the download is complete.
If you have any issues, then contact the IT support desk at
Phone:765 677-2209
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