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Q. How do I find ebooks on my topic?

The library has thousands of ebooks, and there are many ways to search for them. Each of the search tools below may return slightly different results. You can try more than one method or choose the tool that you most prefer.

  • Use QUICKSearch on the Library homepage.
  1. Check the box Print books and eBooks
  2. Enter a topic in the QUICKSearch box and click SEARCH.
  3. Viewing the results page, select EBOOKS under "I Want Only" in the left column.
  4. If you have thousands of results, you may want to refine your search. 
  5. Choose Advanced Search under the top search box so you can enter more than one topic or keyword.
  6. Use the date bar in the left column to narrow the date span of the ebook results.

If you need help refining your search or have any other questions, contact a librarian. We are here to help.

  • Research/Info Desk: 765-677-2603
  • Email:
  • Chat:  Click chat on the library homepage between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. during the regular semester


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