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Q. How do I save links to searches in EBSCO and QUICKSearch?

Persistent Links to Searches allow you to quickly re-run a search in EBSCOhost or QUICKSearch.  These links can ether be placed in your EBSCO folder or saved in a document.  

Note:you mist be logged in to save items permanently to your EBSCO folder.  If you just save it to a folder during your current session, then it will be gone when you close your browser.

To copy a persistent link to a search:

  1. Click the Share button at the top of your Result List.
  2. Highlight the link text in the Permalink box and copy using your browser's copy function.  You can immediately paste the link into a document, web site or email.

To save a persistent link to a folder:

  1. Log in to EBSCOhost and conduct your search. A Result List appears.
  2. Click the Share link to the left of the Result List.
  3. Click the Add search to folder link. The search query is now saved in the folder as a persistent link to a search.


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