Views: 53 FAQ Views
Views: 53 FAQ Views
Q. How do I send or receive a fax at the library?
- Faxes are only sent from the Library when the Post Office is closed or has an issue with their fax machine.
- A cover page must be completed for each fax. There is no charge for the cover page.
- Limit of 10 pages
- Only domestic fax numbers, no International faxes may be sent.
- To Send --> 25 cents per page excluding the cover sheet
- To Receive --> 5 cents per page
Instructions for sending and receiving faxes at the library are listed below.
- A cover sheet must be picked up at the Circulation desk.
- Once the cover sheet is completed, then the sheet along with the fax pages must be taken to the Reference/Info desk.
- The reference librarian will send the fax.
- The reference librarian will give you a receipt that shows that the fax was sent.
- The fax must be paid for at the Circulation desk.
- If you need to a fax sent to the Jackson Library, please contact us in advance.
- Leave your name and contact information and time the fax will be sent
- We will contact you once we receive the fax.
- You will pick up your fax and pay for it at the Circulation desk.
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