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Q. Where are the children's books located?

The children's books are found in the lower level of the library in the opposite corner from the stairwell/elevators.

The books are divided into three sections:

1. Picture Books for preschool and early elementary (call number begins with JE)

♦ found in the shorter bookcases and organized by author name

2. Nonfiction Books for elementary, middle school and teen readers (call number begins with J)

♦ found along the east wall and organized by author name

3. Nonfiction Books for all ages of students (call number includes a Dewey number)

♦ found in the tallest shelving and organized in call number order

Check out our Guide on Children's Literature, including how to search the children's lit collection!

Also available in the area are:

  1. Teaching tools (kits with games/props/manipulatives) for help with tutoring or teaching students.
  2. Children's DVDs (fictional and educational)
  3. Puppets and robots




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