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Q. Where are the study spaces located in the library?

Students studying silently

Silent Study Area - 2nd Floor

Low Noise Area

Low Noise Area - Main Floor

Students collaborating

Collaborative Noise Level - Lower Level

Group Study Rooms - 14 rooms
Location: 2nd Floor, Jackson Library
Capacity: 2-10
Furnishings: Table, Chairs, Dry Erase Board

Research Carrels - 7 carrels - 
Location: 2nd Floor, Jackson Library
Capacity: 1 Person
Furnishings: Desk with Storage, Chair
By application only. More details here
Collaboration Room - 1 Room
Location: Lower Level, Jackson Library
Capacity: 3-4 people 
Furnishings: Table, 4 Chairs. Wall Mounted Monitor with Hookups
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