Views: 59 FAQ Views
Views: 59 FAQ Views
Q. How do I print in color?
Color printing is available on the main level and the lower level of the library. The cost of color printing is 25 cents per page ( or side ). The paper size is limited to a standard 8.5" x 11".
Note: if you are printing a large document with a lot of color from Microsoft Word, then it best to create a PDF document first and print from the PDF document instead of Word.
Printing in color on the main level of the library:
- Open up your document and go to the print menu.
- Before you send your document to the printer make sure you select to print it in color. Do one of the following:
- Select the Follow_Me_Color Printer from the Printer dropdown
- Click on Printer Properties in any Microsoft product and change the Color Mode to Auto(Color B&W)
- Now click print. This should bring up the print dialog box where you will enter your IWU username and password.
- Color printing is only available from the copier/printer that is nearest to the Info desk. It is the first printer in the row when walk into the library. Note: If you choose to print in color, and try to retrieve your print job from one of the other printers, your print job will not be available.
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