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Q. How do I create a brochure?

Creating a brochure for a class assignment may be accomplished by using Microsoft Publisher or Microsoft Word.  

Create a brochure using Microsoft Publisher 

  1. On the Start page that appears when you open Publisher, make sure that BUILT-IN is selected click Brochures (You can get to the Start page anytime by clicking File >New).
  2. You can customize the color scheme, and make sure that your page side is 3-panel
  3. Click a brochure in the gallery of brochure templates and click Create.

Create a brochure using Microsoft Word without a template

  1. Open Word and click on Blank document
  2. Select the Layout tab
    • Under Orientation select Landscape from the dropdown menu
    • Under Margins select Narrow
    • Under Columns select Three
  3. Save your document
  4. Start entering your information in your first column, when you are ready to navigate to the second column do one of the actions listed below:
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter simultaneously  
    • Go to the Layout tab and under the Breaks dropdown and select Column

Create a brochure in Microsoft Word using a template

  1. Open Word and in the Search for online templates type in brochure
  2. Select a brochure, and save the document.
  3. Add your information to the brochure and make changes as needed.


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