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Q. How do I print from Microsoft Publisher?

To Print from Microsoft Publisher

  1. Click on the File tab,
  2. Select Print from the list on the left side of the page.
  3. The printer settings are on the left with a preview of your document on the right.
  4. Remember: the paper size in the library is Letter 8/12" x 11".

 Listed below are the options for printing your file.



Enter the number of copies of the print job you want to print and press Print to send the job to your printer.



In addition to selecting from a list of available printers, you can also add a new printer, access the Printer Properties, and print to a file.



The settings section gives you control over:

  • Pages:  Allows you to select specific pages or page ranges to print.

  • Pages per sheet:  Here you can specify where on a sheet of paper your publication will print and how the pages of your publication will be laid-out on the sheets of paper.

  • Paper size:  Select the size and style of the sheets of paper you will use to print your publication.

  • One sided/two sided printing:  Choose whether to print on one or both sides of the paper, and which edge to use in flipping the paper.

  • Color:  If your printer supports color this control will allow you to choose color or grayscale printing.

    • You must pick up your items from the color printer on the main floor of the library or select the color printer on the lower level..

  • Save settings with publication:  If selected this check box will save your Settings selections with this publication.

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